A Vist to JILA Laboratory

The Bose-Einstein Condensate was first observed by Carl Wieman and Eric Cornell at the JILA Laboratory of the University of Colorado at Boulder. Both received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2001. JILA is now under the direction of Dr. Dana Z. Anderson who is leading a team researching atomtronic transistor science. Infinity Photo-Optical instruments are used extensively throughout the JILA Laboratory.

Professor Dr. Dana Z. Anderson heads the JILA Lab at the University of Colorado, Boulder
The InfiniProbe™ TS-160 and Model KC VideoMax™ at JILA
The InfiniMite™ at JILA
Another InfiniProbe™ TS-160 and Model KC VideoMax™ setup at JILA
Model K2™ and InfiniMite™ at JILA
This poster with the names of the principal investigators appears on the wall at the JILA Laboratory

InfiniProbe and InfiniProbe TS-160 are trademarks of Infinity Photo-Optical Company.